Songer's Christmas Tree Farm

5255 Carter Spencer Rd., Middleburg, FL 32068

Welcome!  Choose and Cut your Fresh Christmas Tree or Select a Tree in a Pot





The Farm is closed for this year

Check back in November for the latest news from the farm

Merry Christmas!

Fun for the whole family

Make it a family tradition to have a real tree fresh from the farm!  Bring your camera and enjoy an outing to our Christmas Tree Farm. (Professional photography sessions by appointment only. Leave a message at the number below.)

You can choose from three varieties of  trees.  We provide the saws that will easily cut the tree of your choice.   Be sure to wear sturdy shoes for walking in the fields where you may encounter holes, stumps, briars, and cactus.

After you cut your tree we will shake out any loose needles--children love to see their tree "dance" in the shaker.   

We also have netting available to make your tree easier to handle and a drill if you have a stand (or purchase one from us) with a spike. 

We have Christmas tree stands available in a variety of sizes.

Unfortunately we have been unable to get trees in pots to sell this year. Our usual supplier's crop is too small this year and we have been unable to find another source.

See our "Tree Types" page for photos of our trees and a map of the farm.


  •  Use Caution! Drive slowly on the farm lanes. When walking in the fields watch out for holes, vines, cactus, stumps, & Children.
  •  Handle the saw carefully, it is very sharp.
  •  Cut the tree as close to the ground as you can so you will have a "handle" to fit into your tree stand. Please do not cut off the bottom or top of a tree to make it shorter; if it needs trimmed we will allow for that.
  •  Do not cut any tree less than 4' tall; those are trees growing for future years.
  •  Keep in mind the location where you will display your tree; trees look smaller in the field than in your home. Be certain it is the tree you want before you cut it .
  •  After you have cut your tree bring it to our check-out area where you can watch it "dance" on our shaker.
  •  Be sure to keep your tree in water at all times to keep it fresh and beautiful.
  •   Use a tree stand that is stable enough for your tree. We have a selection of tree stands and will help you choose one that is right for your tree.     






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For more information:  Directions to the Farm   Prices   Tree Types   Tree Stands  Tree Hints

  • or call us at 904-272-3890 (leave a message if you need us to call you back)
    or send us an email.



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